The Project

The Pandawan Project is a groundbreaking initiative designed to provide advanced therapeutic tools for children by integrating the latest insights from neuroscience with cutting-edge technologies. 

This project consists of two distinctive sections, each tailored to address specific therapeutic needs.

The Pandawan Project represents an exciting fusion of scientific knowledge and innovative technology, serving as a promising resource to enhance the well-being and development of children. 

"Pandawan Adventure" takes a creative and playful approach to introduce children to the world of MRI examinations. Using virtual reality technology, this section aims to make children feel more comfortable with the MRI process and its inherent constraints. By offering an immersive and enjoyable experience, Pandawan Adventure helps alleviate any anxiety or apprehension children may have about medical procedures.

"Pandawan Classroom" is specifically designed to assist children dealing with attention disorders. It combines neurofeedback techniques with virtual reality to help children learn how to regulate and improve their attention. Through an immersive virtual classroom and playful real-time feedback, this section enables children to cultivate essential skills for better attention management and concentration. 

The classroom environment has been deliberately chosen to facilitate the transfer of skills in this challenging everyday for children with attention deficit disorders.